Friday, 10 July 2015

Amazing extinct animals

Mirrored in order to avoid copyright claims. NOTE: No copyright infringement intended. In this list we are talking about the most amazing animal species that are known to have existed but got extinct later. We are obviously excluding dinosaurs because there are so many different species within dinosaurs that we need another list to be made only for them.

By John Wenz and Popular Mechanics Editors. Thomas is an avid student of evolutionary history and has a deep fondness for the natural world.

This article will provide pictures and facts for fifteen extinct creatures that. More and more animals are going extinct and we would love to spread the word about these wonderful creatures. Plus a few species that are on the brink of extinction. We have already published several posts dedicated to extinct animals such as these, but in fact, not all species that were ever believed to be extinct are really extinct.

There are animals that were considered to be lost forever, but they reappeared to the great surprise of the scientific community. To show you some of the extinct animals that. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

How Cannibal Ants Escaped from a Nuclear Bunker.

This Bird Has a Serious Set of Pipes. First position on our list of top most amazing extinct animals is acquired by one and only “Tyrannosaurs Rex” or you can say “T-Rex”. This species was one of the most amazing extinct animals of all times and was one of the largest carnivorous, measuring up to 16. They hadn’t been seen in so long that scientists had written them off, but some species have reappeared – sometimes more than 1years after their last sighting.

Known as “Lazarus species” for their miraculous ability to come back from the dea these creatures have defied the odds to. For many of us, the dodo is the first creature that comes to mind when we think of extinct animals. In popular culture, it is the archetypal example of extinct species, to the point that gone the way of the dodo has become a common idiom referring to the extinction or obsolescence of almost anything. Native to North America, the Passenger or Wild Pigeon has been extinct since the early 20th century.

It is estimated that between and billion Passenger Pigeons inhabited the US when Europeans arrived in North America, but their settlement led to mass deforestation resulting in habitat loss and a reduction in the bird population. The whiptail lizard from Mexico and the U. Southwest is an all-female species. These are known as extinct animals. And we’re not just talking about roar-some prehistoric dinosaurs! There are birds (though just from the mainland), frogs, and mammal species or subspecies strongly believed to have become extinct in Australia since European settlement.

The Amazon rainforest , home to the greatest diversity of animal life on lan has seen some truly amazing species. The strange creatures that stalked the Amazon in times past are all gone now. Northern white rhino - Poaching is the main reason this species is now on its way to becoming extinct.

The only two animals left of this species are females, and both live in captivity. Extinction takes numerous species each year. But many such species have already disappeared off the face of Earth. A species is declared extinct after many years of not being spotted. The following are lists of extinct animals.

List of extinct animals of Africa. The good news is, scientists are trying to bring some back. Indian subcontinent has a rich and varied biodiversity and home to some of the most rare as well as magnificent wild animals.

There are 1species of wild animals , birds and reptiles as either rare or highly endangere over per cent of India’s flora have extinct such as Sumatran rhinoceros and pink-headed duck.

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