Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Careers with animals

So, you want a job working with animals? You might think Veterinarian and Marine Biologist are your only options for careers working with animals. There are tons of career paths—for all levels of education—that let you devote your life to the care and keeping of our furry, fuzzy (and sometimes scaly) friends. There are many jobs and careers you can consider if you want to work with or for animals. While your first thought may be the always popular field of veterinary medicine, there are many other careers with animals that may be of interest to you.

Here is an always evolving list of career possibilities for animal lovers divided into categories.

A few careers are listed in multiple categories when appropriate. A love for animals may be what sparks one’s interest in pursing an animal career, but it won’t be enough to enter the profession. Did you know you can turn your love of animals into a paying job?

Whether you like art, walking dogs, observing wildlife, teaching kids or talking to people, there is a career with animals for you. Our final category lists occupations that involve working with animals who provide a valuable service to their human companions. These are animals who help handicapped people live independent lives, animals that protect our nation from terrorists, animals who rescue lost children or assist law enforcement.

And as pets, and animals in general, become more valued by society, it only makes sense that the opportunities to find jobs with animals will grow. In fact, the field of veterinary medicine is expecting strong job growth. When many people think of careers with animals , they often picture working at a veterinary clinic.

We will look at the educational requirements to obtain these. They prepare them for riding, security, performance, obedience or assisting people with disabilities. What are the best careers working with animals? What careers involve taking care of animals? Search or Post Online Today.

A recognise accredited Diploma or Certificate course will ensure that you have a good chance of being employed in the animal care sector. Individuals who have a heart for animal welfare may want to consider a career that involves saving the lives of animals. At the ASPCA , we pride ourselves on being a respected leader for the protection and welfare of animals , and we offer our employees a fun, collaborative and entrepreneurial working environment.

Animal jobs available on Indeed. Our talented and diverse group of over 9employees across the country has deep knowledge, skills and passion for the animals we serve and protect. The day you realize you can’t make a living snuggling your pets in bed is a sad day indeed. But with a pile of bills to pay and a life-long connection to animals , you can consider a career where you can be surrounded by fur full-time. Below is a list of popular careers in wildlife conservation.

Check out this ultimate animal careers list! Home Study Career Training Course. Everyone who want to work with animals but wants further information about what careers are out there and how to successfully apply for them.

Careers in AZA-Accredited Zoos and Aquariums. Have you ever wondered what it might be like to work in a zoo or aquarium? The people who work in AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums are passionately committed to the animals in their care and to the critical need for conserving wildlife and wild places.

But the animal industry is expansive and diverse, employing more than a million professionals in areas such as scientific research, medicine and rehabilitation, and animal rescue. Imagine going to work each day and seeing something staring back at you—a lion, a horse, maybe even a cobra. If the thought of going toe-to-toe with one of these creatures excites you rather than scares you, then working with animals could be your ideal career.

The careers that are involving animals can be good and bad for the animals. You could be a Hunter and furnish the grocerie stores with meat which would be a bad career for the animals sake. Genuine passion for helping animals.

Explore the animal careers list below to get inspired! Zoos, museums, government agencies, and conservation organizations employ many people as educators, writers, fundraisers, managers, artists, and designers.

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