Tuesday 14 January 2020

Stupid things bush said

Bush gave us some great laughs. Many of his quotes—often called Bushisms—were among the best political humor we saw in modern history. Amazingly, this quote is true, bush and the republicans ran out of stupid ideas to screw the country up. I believe that he knew what he said - and meant it.

Napoleon once said , In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.

Good luck to us all if he becomes president and attempts international diplomacy. The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. President Obama has said a lot of dumb things in the last decade. The 1Craziest Things Trump Said This Election. Flailing with a super donor and with a GOP base that prefers real W. Jeb, the candidate decided he should fully embrace his brother’s legacy and say.

Donald Trump has said that would have doomed another candidate.

A lot of these make sense in context, but come off as horrible missteps without any context. There are some things you should never, ever say unless your only dream in life is to become head of your local Klan chapter. Friends and foes alike have struggle sometimes with awkward , to find nice things to say about him. To the victor belong the spoils,” he said to Bill O’Reilly, about his stance of staying in Iraq after the war.

Gibson as though he were pointing a loaded crossbow at her. Islam religion of peace the stupidest? Stupid Things People Care About Way Too Much. Dumbest Things Ever Said Online.

Whether meant to go public or said in private conversation, politicians throughout history have been known to say incredibly stupid things. Best listen to your mother, boy. The candidates are saying lots of idiotic things where it counts — politically. Things that make him presidential in a George W. From offending womankind to, well, offending most men, too, Donald has all sorts of things to say about all sorts of topics. Behol some of his most fascinating lines.

The Stupidest Things Said By Presidents.

But over the years, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has said some things that range from silly to downright un-American. Offshore Oil Is Responsible Democratic leaders. For THE most entertaining stupid quotes of all time, there is NOTHING to beat stupid Republican quotes!

The things that so many of them say are stupid , out-of-touch, and sometimes, downright crazy. Here is a list of some of the dumbest comments Republicans have ever made. Today, I am going to take a different approach. In terms of the economy, look, I inherited a recession, I am ending on a recession.

He’d meant to say “facts are stubborn things. At the time, a common criticism of the Reagan. Here are some of the most painfully-dumb things next year’s wannabe-presidents have recently said , from both sides of the political divide.

Incase you were unaware of the endless drivel spouted by one of the most famous people on Earth. Akin said stupid things about women and rape. Biden has said stupid things about women and unfair things about homosexuals.

More than three years still remained in George W. For those not in the know, Prince Philip is the husband of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, making him the Duke of Edinburgh. Today, we list another dumb statements by the morons that are allegedly leading us through the wilderness. By Tim Young Clash Daily Guest Contributor. With all this racism talk going around… I think it’s important that we reflect on some of the most horribly racist quotes that Democrats have dropped… and that the media has forgotten about… in the past couple of years. ALL quotes from this calendar are from a book called The 7Stupidest Things Ever Said ) The book and calendar are by a brother and sister team called Ross and Kathryn Petras.

An English astronomy professor said in the early 19th century that air travel at high speed would be impossible because passengers would suffocate. Unsubscribe from Phant0mManic? But that was when he was in his “I’m my own Bush” period.

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