Thursday, 11 May 2017

Freckles and pigmentation

This channel is all about health,topics related to health. Age spots, freckles , melasma and pigmentation, are common skin issues caused by overactive pigment cells. While generally harmless, it is also common among people who have them to have the issue addressed. Freckle, a small, brownish, well-circumscribe stainlike spot on the skin occurring most frequently in red- or sandy-haired individuals.

Most commonly, as we age our skin begins to show the culmination of the sun’s damaging rays and ‘age spots’ appear.

Like age spots, freckles are caused by sun exposure. In fact, most melasma (patchy or generalized pigmentation of the skin) is caused by sun. Childhood sun exposure is a common precipitating factor for their debut around ages seven or eight. Individuals with red hair and green eyes are more prone to develop freckles.

Freckles have no symptoms and are considered benign. It is suggested that people whose skin tends to freckle should avoid overexposure to sun and use sunscreen. Melanin acts as the skin’s protection against the sun’s rays, causing a person’s freckles to darken.

Just like freckles , pigmentation is caused by the overproduction of melanin causing darker tones to appear on your skin.

Clear Skincare Clinics use trusted medical grade lasers that effectively treat pigmentation to remove it permanently. Most of us can recognize freckles. They are clusters of spots that appear mostly across the upper cheeks and nose at a very young age (when we’re children).

The people in this picture have freckles. They form as a result of overproduction of melanin, which is responsible for skin and hair color ( pigmentation ). Overall, freckles come from ultraviolet (UV) radiation stimulation. Some of us are born with freckles. We’re usually fair-skinned and possibly have red hair. Our skin’s melanin clusters are clumped closely together rather than evenly spread out, causing these.

What are brown spots and freckles ? Brown spots and freckles on sun-exposed skin are ephelides (the plural of ephelis) and lentigines (the plural of lentigo). The difference between an ephelis and a lentigo is that an ephelis fades during the winter months while a lentigo persists in the absence of ultraviolet (UV) stimulation. How do I get rid of pigmentation and freckles ? Beauty query of the day) I have dark brown small circular spots all over my cheeks and nose. Few skin specialists say it could be freckles which are.

Cosmetic treatment with bleaching agents or lasers can be used to decrease pigmentation of ephelides ( freckles ) and lentigines.

The cause of hyperpigmentation usually is traced to the activity and. Honey may help lighten pigmentation. Removes the appearance of all types of skin discolorations including melasma, dark spots, hyper- pigmentation , and more.

Faster and safer approach to promoting skin-whitening and an even skin tone on all skin types. Common types of pigmentation are melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, freckles , and solar lentigos. Besides environmental and other factors, pigmentation on the face usually occurs when the skin protects itself against UV rays.

Acne or inflammation from pimples can also leave behind dark spots. Your session begins with a personal consultation to assess the depth of the pigmentation to customise your treatment. Unsightly blotches of pigmentation distract from and dull your natural beauty.

Common freckles themselves are quite harmless and rarely develop into skin cancer. Most freckles are produced by exposure to ultraviolet light and typically fade in the winter. Pigmentation can result from inherited factors or environmental damage. Unusual-appearing freckles may become malignant skin cancer.

While sometimes imperfections can be beautiful, you also cannot deny that if not appropriately addresse those tiny brown spots adorning your cheeks or nose can become a real problem! Sun spots, liver spots, freckles and other unwanted pigmentation are often associated with skin ageing and over exposure to the sun or sunbeds, which result in an overproduction of melanin (brown pigment in our skin). Natural remedies to treat skin pigmentation.

People with darker skin color are more prone to hyperpigmentation, especially with more sun exposure. It’s worrying to see pigmentations on our skin, but how could we know we had which kinds of pigmentation ? The Skin Centre Gold Coast offers many different approaches to treat age spots, freckles and pigmentation. With one of the largest collections of lasers and treatment options in Queensland you are in safe hands with our team of Dermatologists to help fade or reduce your freckles and pigmentation.

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