Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Adjective for thin

What is the adjective for thin ? Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verb thin which may be used as adjectives within certain. Definition and synonyms of thin from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of thin. Change your default dictionary to American English. Something that is thin is smaller than usual between its opposite sides: 2. View the pronunciation for thin.

A thin person or animal has very little fat on their body. Thin definition is - having little extent from one surface to its opposite. How to use thin in a sentence.

Francis Bacon Spain is thin sown of people. Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. The Century Dictionary, The Century Co. Thinner definition, a volatile liqui as turpentine, used to dilute paint, varnish, rubber cement, etc.

Adjective for thin

The word thin is an adjective , a verb, and an adverb, not a noun. Synonyms for thin at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for thin. One-syllable adjectives become superlatives by adding the suffix -est (or just -st for adjectives that already end in e).

Two-syllable adjectives ending in -y replace -y with -iest. Multi-syllable adjectives add the word most. When you use an article with a superlative adjective , it will almost always be the definite article (the) rather than a. Say Draw two thin snakes and one fat snake.

Adjective for thin

When the drawings are finished select a winner for the best picture. Play another round or two on the board with different students (use different adjectives and nouns each round). Next, put students into groups of three and give each student a large piece of paper to draw on. Thick definition is - having or being of relatively great depth or extent from one surface to its opposite.

The definition of thin is having little depth, being lean or not having a lot of something. An example of something thin is a thin coat of paint. With the mentioned structure of the website, you will be able to identify which adjective is most appropriate to use to express an attribute of a person, a thing, a place or an event. Furthermore, this website will serve as a stepping stone for you to develop a more advanced vocabulary and become a more effective English speaker and writer. Simply put, adjectives add further description to nouns.

Adjective for thin

More specifically, they provide flourish to the English language, an added dose of color. When we spend some time examining examples of adjectives , we, too, can electrify our writing with the appropriate injection of adjectival beauty. Top thick-and- thin synonyms (adjectives only) are faithful, true and loyal. These adjectives form the superlative either by adding -est or by preceeding the adjective with most. In many cases, both forms are use although one usage will be more common than the other.

If you are not sure whether a two-syllable adjective can take a comparative or superlative ending, play it safe and use more and most instead. The descriptive adjective follows the opinion adjective. To understand this, consider the following example. Each coordinate adjective is separated by the comma.

Adjective for thin

Following are some examples showing the proper use of coordinate adjectives in the sentence: In the classroom I found new, thin paper which can be used to make paper boat.

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